
With the system of VIP air-conditioned rooms, modern karaoke ... gives you the joy and excitement to contribute to a cozy relaxation, bringing people closer together, understanding each other more and more intimate than.

Need privacy, separate for families, meet friends and partners, the VIP room system will fully meet all needs from four rooms to a few dozen guests. Karaoke system already installed if you want to eat and drink without karaoke, and when there is a need, the karaoke system available will be ready to serve when you need it.

For more information and contact to book a table, you can call Van Loc Phat seafood - garden management, phone: 0931 030 368.

憑藉VIP空調房系統,現代化的卡拉OK ......為您帶來歡樂和興奮,讓您享受舒適的放鬆,讓人們更加親近,彼此了解得越來越親密。


欲了解更多信息和聯繫方式預訂餐桌,您可以致電Van Loc Phat海鮮 - 花園管理,電話:0931 030 368。

VIP - karaoke room
卡拉OK _ VIP 包厢

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