Van Loc Phat - Garden Restaurant is a restaurant specializing in serving fresh, attractive and unique seafood dishes and specialties in Binh Duong. In particular, there is a famous dish called "The Renowned Roasted Pork By Jar Laid Onto Bamboo Basket", which has been well-known for the past decade and cannot be found anywhere else.
在平阳,海鲜仓-万禄发园林绿化酒楼是专业服务各新鲜,特产海鲜的菜肴。 其中,特别有十几年出名的烤猪族菜,不是任何地方会有的。另外,当家宴-企业有组织联欢,生日,小孩满月,会议,开张,动土..., 海鲜仓-万禄發园林绿化酒楼就是客户的优先选择。
Rich, diverse, and sufficient types
Pho is essentially Vietnam’s signature dish, comprising rice noodles in a flavourful soup with meat and various greens, plus a side of nuoc cham (fermented fish) or chilli sauce. Pho本質上是越南的招牌菜,包括米粉,配以肉和各種蔬菜的美味湯,以及一塊nuoc cham(發酵魚)或辣椒醬。