

Pho is essentially Vietnam’s signature dish, comprising rice noodles in a flavourful soup with meat and various greens, plus a side of nuoc cham (fermented fish) or chilli sauce. Pho本質上是越南的招牌菜,包括米粉,配以肉和各種蔬菜的美味湯,以及一塊nuoc cham(發酵魚)或辣椒醬。


Banh mi is a unique French-Vietnamese sandwich that’s great for when you’re in need of a quick meal.

Banh mi是一種獨特的法國 - 越南三明治,非常適合您需要快餐。

Mi quang(Vietnamese Turmeric Noodles)/越南薑黃麵條

Mi quang may be available at most restaurants in Vietnam, but it actually originates from Da Nang.

Mi Quang可能在越南的大多數餐館都有售,但它實際上來自峴港。

Goi cuon(Vietnamese fresh spring rolls)/越南新鮮春捲

Goi cuon (Vietnamese fresh spring rolls) consist of thin vermicelli noodles, pork slices, shrimp, basil, and lettuce, all tightly wrapped in translucent banh trang (rice papers).

Goi cuon(越南新鮮春捲)由薄薄的粉絲麵條,豬肉片,蝦,羅勒和生菜組成,全部緊緊包裹在半透明的banh trang(宣紙)中。

Banh xeo (Crispy pancake)/脆皮煎餅

Similar to a crepe or pancake, banh xeo is made of rice flour, coconut milk, and turmeric, which you can fill it with vermicelli noodles, chicken, pork or beef slices, shrimps, sliced onions, beansprouts, and mushrooms.

類似於縐紗或煎餅,banh xeo由米粉,椰奶和薑黃製成,您可以用粉絲麵條,雞肉,豬肉或牛肉片,蝦,洋蔥切片,豆芽和蘑菇填充。

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