Mi quang may be available at most restaurants in Vietnam, but it actually originates from Da Nang. Easily distinguished by its yellow-coloured rice noodles, this dish is a hearty mix of bone broth seasoned with fish sauce, black pepper, shallot, and garlic, as well as meaty ingredients such as river shrimp, boiled quails eggs, and roast pork. As with most Vietnamese dishes, mi quang also comes with a variety of herbs, including basil, peanuts, coriander, lettuce, sliced banana flowers, and sesame rice crackers.
Mi Quang可能在越南的大多數餐館都有售,但它實際上來自峴港。這道菜的黃色米粉很容易區分,是用魚醬,黑胡椒,小蔥和大蒜調味的骨頭湯,以及河蝦,煮鵪鶉蛋和烤豬肉等肉類食材。與大多數越南菜一樣,mi quang還配有各種草藥,包括羅勒,花生,香菜,生菜,切片香蕉花和芝麻米餅。